
Over the past ten years I got the question a lot: if a dreaming brain is so awesome, why doesn’t everyone know about this? Well, the neuroscience behind it in it is pretty new. I do my best to help spread the word, because this is fascinating stuff and ever so useful.

I discuss the dreaming brain on stages online and off, and in international media of all varieties (in both Dutch and English).

My main expertise lies in using dreams for personal and professional inspiration. My favorite topics to present on are:

  • How to use dreaming as a brainstorming tool
  • What the latest scientific research tells us about dream interpretation
  • How sleeping in makes you more productive

If you’re interested in a panel discussion or other dream related areas, please let me know. As a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams I know dream experts worldwide.

Contact me to learn more about the speaking options. Let’s see if I can get exactly what you need.